Explore our comprehensive article on Flipper Zero FAQ, answering all your questions about the functionality, features, and usage of this multifunctional hacker gadget. A must-read before making a


  • What is Flipper Zero?

    • Flipper Zero is a multi-functional tool for security research, tinkering, and learning about wireless protocols.

  • What does it do?

    • It can communicate with various devices using NFC, RFID, infrared, Bluetooth, Sub-GHz, and more. It can also act as a BadUSB, PWN Cable, and more.

  • Is it legal?

    • Using Flipper Zero for legal purposes and ethical research is perfectly fine. However, using it for malicious activities is illegal and unethical.

  • Is it for beginners?

    • While it has a user-friendly interface, some features require technical knowledge and an understanding of electronics and security concepts.




  • What can I do with Flipper Zero?

  • Is it safe to use on my own devices?

    • Always test on non-critical devices first and understand the potential risks involved.

  • Can I use it to hack into my neighbor's Wi-Fi?

    • No! Malicious use of Flipper Zero is illegal and unethical.

  • Where can I learn more?

Last updated